Walter Thirring (born 4 April 1927) is an Austrian physicist after whom the Thirring model in quantum field theory is named.[1] He is son of the physicist Hans Thirring, co-discoverer of the Lense-Thirring frame dragging effect in general relativity.[2][3][4]
Walter Thirring was born in Vienna, Austria, where he earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1949 at the age of 22. In 1959 he became a professor for theoretical physics at the University of Vienna, and from 1968 to 1971 he was head of the Theory Division and director at CERN.
Besides pioneering work in quantum field theory, Walter Thirring devoted his scientific life to mathematical physics. He is author of one of the first textbooks on quantum electrodynamics as well as of a four volume course in mathematical physics.
In 1969, he received the Schrödinger Prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
In 2000, he received the Henri Poincaré Prize of the International Association of Mathematical Physics.[5]
Walter Thirring authored Cosmic Impressions, Templeton Press, Philadelphia and London, in 2007, and in that book he sums up his feelings about the scientific discoveries made by modern cosmology:
In the last decades, new worlds have been unveiled that our great teachers wouldn’t have even dreamed of. The panorama of cosmic evolution now enables deep insights into the blueprint of creation…. Human beings recognize the blueprints, and understand the language of the Creator…. These realizations do not make science the enemy of religion, but glorify the book of Genesis in the Bible.
His memoirs were published in 2010 as The Joy of Discovery: Great Encounters Along the Way by World Scientific Publishing Company. He recollects encounters with the old masters like Einstein, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Pauli and others as well as his collaborations with the present stars like Murray Gell-Mann and Elliott Lieb.[1]